Hey, it's me again. Back at you again with another... yknow... "video game" if you wanna call it that.

SO, GMTK Jam 2023, huh? I totally didn't forget I signed up for it! No, not at all! What are you talking about? I remembered it existed from a random tweet I saw talking about so I went to check it out, saw there were 20 minutes left to submit your game and thought. "Yeah sure I can make something in 20 minutes."

I present to you, something made in 20 minutes!

(they actually did an extension for 1 hour but 1 hour is not as long as you'd think it is when you're rushing to make a game)

Yes, the game sucks, but give me some credit as the ENTIRE thing. Concepts, art assets, and the game itself as well as fetching the plugins and junk were all made in that time frame. 

The theme for GMTK was "Role Reversal" so my concept was an RPG where you play as the boss and fend off a never ending stream of enemies to battle. Just keep killing guys and uh, do nothing else!

The dragon can reach level 5 where they should get stronger. You level up every 10 enemies which will give you 1 additional HP and MP!

Keyboard controls are Z/accept X/decline Arrows/move

Controller and mouse/touch controls should work too

Day 1 Patch: Fixed the game over screen and fixed some small issues. Also yeah sorry there was HUD but I forgot in browser games can't display it. So I added the totals to the game over screen.


SumRndmDde - Removetitlescreen, Battleintro, Supertoolsengine, HUDmaker

Mr. Trivel - Battlebattlerui

Aloe Guvner - Text changing super genius extraordinaire. I made my very own plugin for this! Aint that something?


Baerthe - Help with removing unneeded commands from combat

OtakuD50 - Help changing the meter colors

ScorchedGround - Help with the character level code that I didn't know how to get cause I dont know nothin'

And a special thanks to YOU for playing my games and just liking what I post! I'm not gonna plug my patreon and ko-fi on this one but you're welcome to follow me on twitter if you like? 

Rated 4.5 out of 5 stars
(2 total ratings)
GenreRole Playing
Made withRPG Maker
TagsClicker, Endless, RPG Maker

Development log


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I've destroyed so many knights